Tuesday, January 22, 2019


[Vegan Orange Spongecake]

...I have made this orange spongecake before...here...that was a long time ago...and I'd never heard of aqua faba then...

...and I filled it with Vegan Gâteau Fourré à la Crème d'Orange

...so this time...I am going to fill the cake with the Crème au Beurre à l'Orange...we never said fill a cake before...we always said ice a cake...or...I have heard frost a cake...but Julia often puts the icing in the middle of the cake and not on the tops or sides...
...so you start with some grated orange peel...
...and whip up your aqua faba...
...into nice fluffy stiff peaks...
...mix up the cake...and add your orange peel...
...and then the aqua faba...
...just gently fold that in...
...until it's all incorporated and you have a nice light and fluffy batter...
...it baked into a perfect soft spongecake...
...you can see the spongey texture better on the bottom...


aqua faba for the egg whites...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 671)

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