Tuesday, April 2, 2013


[Asparagus Mold]
...these adorable Timbales d'asperges were part of our Vegan Easter Feast...
...I had just gotten a set of these cute little molds...
...from a local church's second hand shop...25¢...well spent...n'est-ce pas?...
...I crumbled some stale bread into the food processor...
...and pulsed a few times to make some fresh bread crumbs...not quite sure how you make fresh bread crumbs with stale bread...
...got an absolutely gorgeous bunch of asparagus out of the fridge...
...cut them into little bits...
...oiled the little molds and dusted them with bread crumbs...
...made the custard...using bread crumbs as a thickener...and flax seed goo instead of eggs...Earth Balance for the butter...and almond milk for the milk...

...add the asparagus...
...'turned' the custard into the prepared molds...and set them in a pan filled with boiling water in the oven...

...Julia gives instructions for testing the custards for doneness...but ours were pretty much 'done' already...
...aren't they pretty?...
...we plated them with the Sauce Chivry...(which none of us particularly cared for)...and a little spear of roasted asparagus...
...they popped right out of the little molds...I was a little bit worried that they wouldn't...
...I love the little details...
...they tasted like a rich and creamy asparagus soup that you could eat with a fork...

...these were a delicious, fun, and pretty first course...

Substitutions: Earth Balance for Butter
Almond milk for milk
Flax seed goo for eggs

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking
pp. 440 - 441


  1. Those are adorable. We love asparagus around here - when we're tired of it plain, I'll give these a try.

  2. Looks great, and the spinach version also. Where on earth is the recipe?

    1. Hi Jillian,
      Thanks for stopping by The Vegan Version...it's nice to "meet" you...
      ...I don't post the copyrighted recipe...just my substitutions...this is new link to the recipes...and the one in this post requires payment...arghhh...
      https://archive.org/details/JuliaChildMasteringTheArtOfFrenchCooking/page/n455...so just follow the recipe there...and substitute accordingly...
      ...have a lovely day!
