Friday, October 7, 2011


[Apple Charlotte, Unmolded - a hot or cold dessert]

...this was a pretty, easy, and delicious fall dessert...

...and a good way to use up some of those fall apples too...

...Julia recommends Golden Delicious apples for this recipe...I had one and then some other apples that were given to us...

...Peel...Quarter...Core...and Slice...

...put them in a pan with no water over very low heat and cook for about 20-30 minutes...

...meanwhile make your crust...cut some homemade bread to fit your mold...

...I don't have a Charlotte mold so I used a pyrex dish...

...cut a circle for the bottom and some strips for the sides...

...I did a test fit...sort of like the VEGAN CHARLOTTE MALAKOFF AUX FRAMBOISES...only with bread instead of Lady Fingers...

...dip the strips in melted Earth Balance...

...and sauté the round for the may need more than one piece to cover the bottom of your mold...if so sauté them all... now, your apples should be just about tender... add some apricot jam - Julia says forced through a sieve...but mine didn't have any bits of apricot in it anyway...add some sugar and rum too...

...line your mold with the bread...

...and trim the tops of your sides...

...your filling should be thick and have all the moisture evaporated....

...fill your mold leaving it slightly domed in the center... with more bread...I used the trimmed of tops of the side pieces...

...bake until golden brown...

...make a sauce with the apricot jam...sugar...and more rum...

...stir until smooth...

...invert the Charlotte onto a serving dish... with the glaze...

...spread the glaze over the top and let the extra drip down the sides...

...Julia seems really worried that the filling won't hold it's shape...

...but ours held up just fine...

...and was easily slice-able...

...If you like buttery toast and applesauce...this is definitely the dessert for you...the Man thought it would be good for breakfast as that's when we usually have toast and applesauce...

...Julia says to serve this warm or cold...and I think warm is definitely best...and there's an optional creme the one on the ASPIC DE POMMES where it was really needed...this dish is fine without it...

Substitutions: Earth Balance for Butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

pp. 623-624

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow, I've never really know what a charlotte was before. It seems a little like a summer pudding what with the use of bread & the shape. I think I''d prefer this apple version to the traditional mixed berry summer pudding though.
