Wednesday, April 6, 2011


[Vegan Poached Eggs in Aspic]

I was a little bit afraid of all the aspic recipes in MtAoFC...but really a little bouillon and some agar powder and there's nothing to fear...'what could happen?'...

...First you'll need to make some Vegan Poached Eggs

...then, mix some agar powder with some vegan beef flavored bouillon...

...pour a little bit in the bottom of each mold...

...then add your tarragon leaves that have been dropped into boiling water and refreshed in some cool a little cross shape at the bottom of the mold...

...pop in your little vegan poached eggs and cover with some more of the bouillon/agar mixture...

...allow it to set up...

...and unmold by running a knife around the edge - Julia suggests dipping in some warm water - but this wasn't necessary for my molds... on a bed of lettuce leaves on a chilled plate... was quite a pretty little thing...

...I think the agar was a little bit too firm...maybe I'll remedy that with some cornstarch or kudzu powder...

...they tasted just the beef bouillon with a little egg in the middle...not sure exactly when I would ever serve these...they seem like company food...but just a little out of date...either at a 60s theme dinner...or maybe at a wedding or baby shower brunch as a first course...

Vegan Beef Flavored Bouillon with agar for the jellied stock
Vegan Poached Eggs for the eggs

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 547


  1. hey, yeah, i was thinking the same thing...60's vintage, right along with "jello molds" and a martini brought to Darren at the door.

    fun to look at, though!

    love, k
