Saturday, August 28, 2010


[Fresh Peach Tart - warm or cold]

Peaches are in season now and there are fresh ones, that have traveled a couple of thousand miles to get here, in the grocery store now...

...but I had one lonely little container still in the freezer from last year and before I put up any more I had to get it out and use it up...

First I made a Pâte Brisée Sucrée and put it in the tart dish...

...then I sprinkled sugar over that - I can tell this is going to be a very sweet dessert...

...arranged the peach slices in the tart dish...

...baked about 30-40 minutes until the fruit has coloured lightly and the juices have become syrupy...

...sprinkled with almonds and spread on the apricot glaze...

...Julia says warm or cold - but I'm sure it's much better warm...

Substitutions: None for this recipe - see substitutions for the Pâte Brisée Sucrée

Recipe link here: