Tuesday, November 12, 2024


[Vegan Lemon and Almond Tart — cold]

....Julia gives no introduction to this recipe at all...but the first thing you need is a Vegan Pâte Sablée (sugar crust)...
...but only use 3 Tbls. of sugar when you make the crust...
...prick it and set it on a baking sheet...
...par-bake until lightly colored...
...then you need the juice of three lemons...
...I realized that I should have peeled and zested these before I juiced them...
...so I had to use other lemons for that...just peel the yellow part with a vegetable peeler...
...and cut into julienne strips...
...simmer those for 10 minutes...drain and dry...but reserve the cooking liquid...
...then you need to boil a bunch of sugar (2 cups...YIKES)...
...to the soft thread stage...230° F (110° C)...add the vanilla and the lemon peel and set aside...
...I'm using the copycat Just Egg recipe I've used before just without the garlic powder...and I've added a Tbls of cornstarch for thickening as well...
...and you'll need some Pulverized Almonds...it's not really a recipe (p. 582)...but these are Julia's instructions for that...

Blanched Almonds Drop shelled almonds into boiling water and boil 1 minute. Drain. Squeeze each almond between the thumb and forefinger, and the almond will slip out of its skin. Spread the blanched almonds in a roasting pan and dry them out for 5 minutes in a 350-degree oven.

Pulverized Almonds If you do not have an electric blender, pound the almonds with a bit of granulated sugar in a mortar, or pass them through a meat grinder with granulated sugar and a few drops of water. If you have a blender, pulverize them / 2 cup at a time at top speed for about 30 seconds.
...so I blanched the almonds...and slipped off their skins...
...and I pulverized them in my coffee grinder...it's just a small amount and easier than the Vitamix...
...ok...I misread that...I thought it was 1/4 cup and it's actually 3/4 cup...haha...
...then you need the grated rind of 1 and 1/2 lemons and their strained juice...
...then you add everything to your vegan egg mixture...including 1/4 cup of Almond extract...but I only used half of that as it's such a strong flavor...
...and since I added cornstarch to my vegan eggs...I'm also cooking it before I put it into the shell...
...pour that into the sugar crust...
...set on a baking sheet...I added the little crust protectors so it wouldn't get too brown...
...while that's baking boil down the reserved cooking liquid from the julienned strips of lemon peel...
...until it's syrupy and sticky...
...Julia says the tart should be very lightly browned...
...spoon a thin coating of the lemon peel syrup over the top...
...and decorate with the julienned strips of lemon...
...Julia says this tarte is usually served cold...but can be served warm...we put it into the fridge and waited until it was cold...
...it sliced perfectly...
...and it was really good...even the Man thought so...

Copycat Just Egg for the egg yolks
Aqua faba for the egg whites

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 646-647

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