Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Vegan Bavarois Praliné

[Vegan Almond Bavarian Cream]

Julia says to use the same ingredients and method as for the master recipe for Bavarian but omit the orange...
...and I needed some crushed vegan macaroons...and they don't need to look perfect for that...
...so I just made little mounds of sweet whipped aqua faba...and put them on my dehydrator tray...most recipes say to cook them at 200° F (93° C) for hours...and my dehydrator's highest setting is 160° F (71° C)
...and it actually worked perfectly...
...of course there's no colouring or carmelization at this point...but I'll be browning them in the oven in a little bit...
...so I made the custard creme exactly like the Orange Bavarois...just with no orange and vanilla instead...
...then I crumbled up my vegan macaroons...
...and baked them until they were caramelized and golden...it smelled sort of like cotton candy...
...and then we just sprinkled those on top of the custard...
...it's another pretty dessert...I like it in the little glasses...
...but you could of course mold it like we did with the orange Bavarois...
...either way...this is absolutely delicious...I liked it better than the orange one...it tastes almost exactly like a vegan crème brulée...an outstanding dessert...


VEgan egg sub for the egg yolks...I used this Just Egg Copycat recipe... whipped aqua faba for both the egg whites and the whipped cream...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 599-600

1 comment:

  1. That does look really good, and you're right - the aqua-faba stuff is magical! Love, K
