Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Vegan Filets de Poisson en Soufflé

[Vegan Fish Souffle Baked on a Platter]

Julia says that "A souffle will also rise impressively when baked on a platter."
...so I started by making some vegan fish filets...which I poached for a few minutes in wine, seasonings, and shallots...and I included some nori sheets for more fishy flavor...
...butter your platter...I'm using a large au gratin dish...
...make your vegan soufflé batter the regular way...flour, vegan butter, vegan egg whites (whipped aqua faba)...and I added a little bit of baking powder for more rising power...then layer that in the dish...
...flake your vegan tofu fish filets over the batter...
...and then cover with the rest of the soufflé batter...
...while that's baking in the over...make the Vegan Sauce Mousseline Sabayon, page 169
...ours did not poof up very 'impressively'...
...we served it with a big salad...and some cheez-y cauliflower...with the sauce poured over it was quite nice...


aqua faba for the egg
Nori Sheets and tofu cooked in water and wine for the Fish Filet
...and Vegan Butter of choice for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp.170-171...

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