Tuesday, April 25, 2023


[Vegan Braised Sweetbreads]

...ok...this is something I had absolutely no idea about...so...I searched the interwebs...of course...and I found out that sweetbreads are considered 'offal'...which sounds bad enough...and also...

"It is hard to describe the taste accurately, but sweetbreads are very soft and tender with a slightly spongy texture. They have a meaty-but-mild and slightly creamy taste."

...so...I set out to make a soft and tender mild and creamy textured seitan as a substitute...
...I smashed up some tofu...to add the "spongy" texture...
...and added some vital wheat gluten...and a little bit of veggie broth powder and a little bit of vegan chicken broth powder...that should be mild enough for flavoring...
...and mixed it all up with some cashew cream for creaminess...

...and then Julia gives directions for Blanching Vegan Sweetbreads...which I did not do...but basically you just cook them in salted water with some lemon juice for 15 minutes or so...and if you used more VWG in your mix you might want to do this to precook it a bit before sauteeing...
...Julia says to slice into half inch thick slices...so I just shaped my seitan that way...and sautéed it in some Earth Balance...
...getting it golden brown...
....before adding it to the braising liquid...which is parsley, bay leaf, thyme, carrots, celery and onion...
...add the vegan sweetbreads...and cook for 5 minutes...remove to a cassserole...
...add some white wine to the braising liquid...and boil down rapidly to about 1/2 cup of liquid...then pour that over the casserole and bake for 45 minutes...
...we served our vegan sweetbreads with rice and peas...
...it makes a pretty presentation...
...it was nice...


Seitan for the sweetbreads

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 409-411

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Vegan Crème Sainte-Anne au Caramel

[Vegan Macaroon Cup Custards]

...this is a variation of the VEGAN CRÈME RENVERSÉE AU CARAMEL...
...and for the pulverized macaroons...I just used almonds and coconut...
...gave them a whirl in the food processor... and spread them on a pan...
...and baked them until fragrant and golden...
...then make the crème caramel...
...cook until nice and thick...
...I'm probably not going to unmold these ramekins...but make sure your custard is thick so you won't have a puddle if you do...
...Julia specifies 2 tablespoons of crumbled macaroons...
...add your custard...there's no need to bake this custard further in the oven though...
...she give several options for other toppings...crème anglaise...strawberry or raspberry sauce...or peach halves...none of which sounded good to me...
...so I just added some more of the crumbled vegan macaroon mixture...
...and I did not 'renversé'...but we just ate the custards out of the ramekins...still warm...and they were delicious...


...all of the subs from the VEGAN CRÈME RENVERSÉE AU CARAMEL......almond milk for the milk...
...flaxseed goo and cornstarch for the egg yolks and eggs... ...vegan sugar for the sugar...
...almonds and coconut for the macaroons...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 611

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Vegan Gigot à la Moutarde

[Herbal Mustard Coating for Vegan Roast Lamb]

...Julia says that "When lamb is brushed with this mixture, garlic slivers and herbal stuff- ings are not necessary, and the lamb becomes a beautiful brown as it roasts."

...and she doesn't give any suggestions as to a sauce of any kind...so...I'm guessing we just eat it roasted plain...
...first you need to make a Vegan Roast Leg of Lamb...I used the same recipe as before...I just didn't shape it into a 'leg'...recipe for VEGAN GIGOT DE PRÉ-SALÉ RÔTI here...
...and the ingredients are quite simple...and already vegan (except for the lamb...of course)...
...I don't have any ground thyme...so I just ground some up in my little mortar and pestle...
...then you just mix everything together to make a sort of mayonnaise-y consistency...Julia says..."Beat in the olive oil by droplets to make a mayonnaise-like cream."
...and then you paint the vegan lamb with the mixture and set it on the rack of the roasting pan...
...Julia says it will pick up more flavor if it is coated several hours before roasting...obvi...
...and it did indeed roast to a lovely crispy brown...
...and we served it with lots of things...haha...it was an Easter feast...it was very good seitan too...I was a little bit worried that with the ingredients listed that it would have an 'asian' flavor...but it definitely did not...not sure I would even say that the mustard flavor is very pronounced...it was just a really good slightly crispy...savoury...and flavorful coating...

...that's it...everything else is vegan...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking

p. 335

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

VEGAN FONDUE AU GRUYERE (variation) Mushrooms or Chicken Livers

[Vegan Cream Filling with Swiss Cheese (variation Mushrooms or Chicken Livers]

...so y'all know that I keep a spreadsheet of all of the recipes and I move them off when I complete them...but when I was making this recipe...I was like...this seems really familiar...I think I've done this one before...but it wasn't marked off on my spreadsheet...

...and I was right...I had done it before...but it was just included in the 'main' recipe for Vegan Crêpes Farcies et Roulées...and oddly that was almost exactly a year ago...the master recipe for VEGAN FONDUE AU GRUYERE was a lot longer ago though...
...start by sauteeing your onions without browning them...again...haha...
...then add your flour and cook without coloring...this is a lot like last week's recipe...
...and then I added my mushrooms...which I cheated and got some sauteed mushrooms out of the freezer...they'll be perfect in this recipe...a lot of times I have too many mushrooms for a recipe and then I find that they don't really freeze very well...and end up just throwing them away...but these will be ok in this recipe...as they don't need to be tender perfection...
...add the boiling almond milk...
...season with salt pepper and a touch of nutmeg...and for me it really is just a touch as I don't like nutmeg very much at all...
...add the vegan cheese...
...and this time...I'm 'stuffing' a biscuit with this filling...in a ramekin...biscuits are leftover from the weekend's breakfast...
...half the biscuit in the bottom...and topped with the other half...then into the oven until bubbly...
...we served it with mixed veg and a not-at-all-stellar tomato...and a nice salad with walnuts and apple...

Vegan milk for the milk...I used unsweetened almond milk...
Vegan cream for the cream...I just used cashew cream...
Earth Balance for the butter

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 202