Tuesday, October 18, 2022


[Vegan Custard Filling with Beaten Vegan Egg Whites]

...Julia says this recipe is just the VEGAN CRÉME PÂTISSIÉRE with the addition of the beaten vegan egg whites...and basically any flavoring you want to use...chocolate...orange...vanilla...etc...
...but I cheated a bit and just used this powdered Birds custard made with almond milk for the custard...and I didn't flavor it with anything else...
...it made a lovely vegan custard...
...and then of course I whipped up some aqua faba...which is always amazing...
...Julia says to stir one quarter of the vegan egg whites into the hot custard...
...and then fold in the rest...
...we had ours chilled...but apparently you can have it warm too if that's your thing...because Julia says..."If the cream is to be served cold, chill it in the refrigerator"...
...it was fluffy...and good...just a different texture than your general 'pudding' texture...


Bird's Custard for the VEGAN CRÉME PÂTISSIÉRE made with almond milk
Aqua faba for the egg whites

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 591) 591

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, I just am not "into" pudding in general. Oh well, to each her own! Love, K
