Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Vegan Glaçage à l'Abricot

[Apricot Glaze with Almonds or Glaceed Fruits]

..this is a good example of the 'textbook' nature of MtAoFC...how entertwined the recipes are and how much they rely on each other...
...so then to 'ice' the Vegan Petits Savarins...we made the Vegan Gelée d'Abricot...apricot glaze...
...I pulverized some almonds in my old---old spice/coffee grinder...
...I left the skins on for this part...I just thought it would be prettier...and tastier...
...I decided not to strain the glaze...I like the little bits of apricot...
...then I blanched and peeled and split a few almonds for the decoration...
...then for the assembly...Julia says to brush crumbs off top and sides of cake...
...and then paint cake with apricot glaze...
...she says to brush almonds against the sides...but that didn't work for me very well...so I just sort of pressed them into the glaze with my fingers...
...then I brushed some more glaze on the top just to make it extra sticky for the almonds...
...and finally decorate top with slivered almonds or with or fruit if you prefer...
...and there you have it...a perfect little cake for afternoon tea...
...if this was meant to be a single serving though...you'd have to be pretty hungry to eat the whole cake...
...but it was so pretty and delicious you might be able to...

Substitutions: None...that hardly ever happens...

...recipe here...Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 670)

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