[Vegan Garlic Sauce for Roast Lamb]
...Julia says this about this sauce..."This very good sauce uses a whole head of garlic which, after two blanchings and a long simmering, becomes tamed and develops a delicious flavor."
...but like with the garlic mashed potatoes...I'm not using anywhere near that much garlic...
...and I'm using the prepared minced garlic that I already have (and need to use up)...
...boiled once...
...and boiled again...
...and then simmered slowly for 45 minutes...
...then add some milk...
...and rice...
...and the twice cooked garlic...
...and cook that all together...
...until the rice is tender...
...then add to a blender...I put it in my blender cup...
...and used my stick blender...
...it's definitely thick and creamy...
...but you'll still want to strain it...
...just to be sure it's perfectly smooth (mine would not have been)...
...at the end Julia add stock to her sauce...but I did not...because I wanted a creamier white sauce...
...pour it in a gravy boat...
...and serve with the VEGAN GIGOT DE PRÉ-SALÉ RÔTI...
...it was good and garlic-y...
...vegan cream for the cream - I used Silk...and I did not add any vegan stock...
Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 334
Mmmmmmm. That sounds great. I love garlic EVERYTHING.