Tuesday, October 27, 2020


[Vegan Glazed Turnips]

...Julia says these are usually served as a garnish...but may be served as a 'separate vegetable'...so that's what we did...
...it's definitely turnip season...these turnips are so crisp and fresh...
...peeled and blanched for 5 minutes in salted water...
...then you drain them and dry them...
...and prepare a skillet with some vegan butter...
...and arrange the drained turnips in the butter...
...and brown them lightly...
...they look so pretty...I've never had turnips cooked this way before...
...pour some bouillon over...
...Julia says to add the sugar and vegan butter separately...but I mixed the sugar and vegan butter in with the bouillon and poured that over the browned turnips...
...then you cover and boil slowly until the turnips are tender but still hold their shape...about 20-30 minutes Julia says...
...chop some parsley...
...and the liquid will reduce down to a syrup-y glaze...
...then sprinkle the parsley over...
...and we served our turnips separately...
...with grilled tofu, rice and an orange/pecan salad...
...the turnips were delicious cooked this way...I'll definitely do this again...I love turnips...


Earth Balance for Butter
Vegan bouillon

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking p. 488

1 comment:

  1. Yum!! Love me some turnips! And the sweet addition is a new one on me. I'll have to try that. Love, K
