Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Vegan Beurre à l'Oeuf

[Vegan Egg Yolk Butter]

...Julia says this butter is 'for sandwiches, canapés, hard boiled eggs, and general decoration'....and obviously...you'll need some hard boiled vegan egg yolks for it...you've seen me make these vegan hard boiled eggs before here...but this time...I only need the yolks...so I'm not doing the white part...
...I just mashed up a small white potato...
...added some kala namak for some egg yolk-y flavor...
...and some turmeric for some yellow colour...
...and blended that all well together...
...and formed it into little vegan egg yolks...not necessary...but cute and fun...and a way to measure out the yolks...
...then I softened some Earth Balance...
...and creamed it well...
...and beat in the egg yolks...
...then seasoned with salt and pepper...you can add some optional herbs if you want...
...I got out some Tofurkey deli slices...
...and made some canapés...and topped them with the deli slices, a little bit of spinach...and piped on the Vegan Egg Yolk Butter...
...and they were really really yummy...


Vegan Egg Yolks
Earth Balance for the butter...

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 101-102)

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