Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Vegan Beurre Marchand de Vins

[Vegan Shallot Butter with Red Win]

...Julia says this recipe is for steaks and burgers...
...so I made a vegan filet...using Tracy's delicious recipe...this is a link to the Web Archive where you can find a copy as her blog has gone the way of many blogs...

...I have it copied out in my binder and often use it for vegan steaks...
...first you chop up a small amount of shallot or green onions...just a tablespoon or so...
...this recipe uses a lot of vegan butter...so use your favorite...I used Earth Balance...
...and cook that in some vegan butter...
...add some red wine...
...and cook it down until there's just about 1 1/2 tablespoons...
...and then stir in some more vegan butter...a lot...
...and spoon it over your vegan steak...
...served with peas and carrots and the potato casserole from last week...
...this is a delicious sauce...very rich and buttery...obviously...


vegan butter - we used Earth Balance

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 103)

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