Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Vegan Babas aux Fruits

[Vegan Babas with Fruit]

...we made Julia's Babas again...you can see the first go at this recipe here...

...we used the popover pan again...since I don't have any of the little Baba molds...and they turned out better...for one thing I put more batter in each cup so they rose up better...
...then you spoon some fruit (we used strawberries) that you have let stand in baba syrup for 10-15 minutes...

...and Julia suggests serving this with Vegan Crème Chantilly...there are two versions...one with coconut cream here ...and one using aqua faba here...which would have made this a lot like Strawberry Shortcake...

...but I didn't make the cream...and it was delicious with just the fruit...


Vegan Butter for the Butter
Flax Seed Goo for Eggs

Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 661)

1 comment:

  1. Looks yummy and summer-y! (actually fall, isn't it?)

    Love, K
