Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Vegan 'Canned' Beef Bouillon

This recipe doesn't have a French title and English Subtitles like most of them...and Julia says it's a way to 'disguise and enrich' the taste of canned beef bouillon...
...of course I don't have actual canned vegan bouillon (it may exist though)...so I used Washington's...and you add some carrot, celery, onion...and herbs...
...add some wine...
...then strain it through a fine sieve...
...and you're ready to proceed with any recipe requiring vegan beef broth...


Vegan Broth or bouillon for the bouillon...

Recipe here: Scribd and then search for Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 67)

...go to Scribd and search for the book...it shows up under documents...and once you open that file you should be able to search for the page number listed in the recipe...

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