[Vegan Brown Mustard Sauce]
...we tried this simple tangy mustard-y sauce...over tofu...Julia says it's good for pork, beef, chicken, turkey, hamburger and leftovers...so of course it's perfect to have over tofu...
...you start by cooking some finely minced onion in oil and vegan butter for 10-15 minutes...
...and then you add some white wine...
...and cook that down until it's reduced until 3-4 tablespoons...
...then add the VEGAN JUS LIÉ...Julia says you can use any brown sauce you prefer from pages 67-71...but the Jus Lie is the easiest I think...
...then off heat...just before serving add 3-4 tablespooons of Dijon mustard...
...just stir that in...
...and serve...
...it's a nice thick sauce...
...we served it over tofu...with sides of broccoli and Brussels Sprouts...
...it's tangy...and mustardy...kind of like Heinz 57 sauce...
...it was pretty good...
vegan butter for the butter
Recipe here: Scribd and then search for Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 70)
...go to Scribd and search for the book...it shows up under documents...and once you open that file you should be able to search for the page number listed in the recipe...
who knew, they've named a sauce after Robert! haha, looks good. love, k