Tuesday, February 13, 2018


[Vegan Calf's Brains in Red Wine with Mushrooms and Onions]

...all Julia has to say about this recipe is that it 'makes a complete course in itself...'

...and I chose it for Valentine's Day Dinner because of the little heart shaped croutons she suggests...
...I'm using tofu as the brain substitute again...so I just took a whole block of firm tofu and kind of shaped it like a brain...

...Julia says to use a good young red wine...I used a Cabernet Sauvignon...
...add some stock...I used Washington's...
...add some herbs...I put mine in my tea ball...
...simmer for 20 minutes...and then allow to cool in the cooking liquid...
...next you'll need some VEGAN OIGNONS GLACÉS À BRUN...a pretty simple recipe...
...and you'll also need some VEGAN CHAMPIGNONS SAUTÉS AU BEURRE
...and luckily Julia says these can be made in advance...
...beat in some tomato paste and boild down rapidly until reduced...
...add some flour/vegan butter paste to thicken...
...then make some Vegan Canapés - Croutons...but...here's the cute part...Julia says to make them heart shaped...
...arrange the onions and mushrooms around the brains...
...pour the sauce over...
...decorate with heart shaped croutons...
...it does make a rather pretty presentation...
...it was delicious...


firm tofu for the brains
Vegan Butter for the butter

Recipe here: Scribd and then search for Mastering the Art of French Cooking (pp. 415 - 416)

...go to Scribd and search for the book...it shows up under documents...and once you open that file you should be able to search for the page number listed in the recipe...


[Vegan Brown-braised Onions]

...Julia says these onions are used 'whenever you wish a brown effect, such as in brown fricassees like coq au vin and boeuf bourguigon, or in a mixture with other vegetables...'

...it's a pretty simple recipe...
...take 18-24 peeled onions...and saute them in a mixture of vegan butter and oil until the brown...

...then pour over some brown stock...and simmer for 40-50 minutes until the liquid has evaporated...
...you can do the braising in the oven or on the stovetop...

...Julia says these can be cooked hours in advance...so we set ours aside...after all that cooking they have to be overdone...but they do smell delicious...


Vegan Butter for the Butter

Recipe here: Scribd and then search for Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 483)

...go to Scribd and search for the book...it shows up under documents...and once you open that file you should be able to search for the page number listed in the recipe...