Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Vegan Sauce Soubise

[Vegan Onion Sauce]

...Julia says this is a excellent sauce for vegetables...

...and I thought it was one of the simpler sauces to make... start by thinly slicing some yellow onions...
...and then you cook them covered with Earth Balance and salt for about 30 minutes...until they are very tender but not browned...she always says that...
...then you add some flour...
...and then some cream...

...ok...this cream is not my 'typical' cream at's not cashew or almond or's cauliflower...I've made a 'cauliflower cream' sauce like this before over at Affectioknit...
...stir the cream into the onions...
...and cook until thick...
...transfer to the blender...and blend until smooth...
...put it back in the saucepan and bring back to the simmer...and just before serving add some vegan butter...
...we had ours over Brussels Sprouts...and it was delicious...light and creamy and slightly sweet...


Vegan Cream - you could use any vegan cream...but this time I used cauliflower blended with some probiotic whey (it's leftover from making soy yogurt), garlic, and a spoonful of miso...
Vegan Butter for butter...we used Earth Balance...

Recipe here: Scribd and then search for Mastering the Art of French Cooking (p. 64)


  1. I am so excited to find a cream sauce that doesn't have milk. Can I ask what your thoughts are about soy? I have read so much saying it affects hormones and increases risks of cancer.

    1. I hope you like the cream sauce...

      ...I'm definitely no expert on the benefits and risks of soy products...however...I'm definitely not afraid of eating soy products...I usually try to find out where the negative hype is coming from before I believe it and how they might benefit from the I'd research any sites that are doing that...In general I think 'whole food' is the best way to I'd choose non-gmo and organic...and as for any negative ingredients like phytates...almost all the soy I eat or drink is either fermented or soaked...and there's also the fact that in Asian cultures where people eat soy in traditional forms cancer rates are much lower than the US...

      ~Have a lovely day!

  2. looks like a yummy dinner! love, k
