Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Vegan Clafouti aux Poires

[Vegan Pear Flan]

...this is my prettiest Clafouti yet...
...Julia says to follow the Master recipe which is just called Clafouti...but it's actually the Cherry version...the first one I made was the Clafouti aux Mûres (Blackberry Flan)...and so the most complete directions are there...

...but this one was prettiest because I left the pear halves whole...Julia says to slice them...but I didn't...
...so...start with some nice ripe pears...
...peel them...
...slice them in half and remove the seeds...and that little hard bit of core...I used a small ice cream scoop for this...
...then mix some white wine, kirsch, and sugar...
...and marinate the pear halves for about an hour...
...and then save that liquid...and use it instead of part of the milk...
...blend up the batter...and coat the bottom of your dish...
...heat that until a skim forms...
...then arrange your fruit on top...
...pour over the rest of the batter...being careful not to cover your fruit...unless you've sliced it and want to...then you can...of course...cover it with batter...and the partially cooked batter will keep the fruit from sinking to the bottom...
...bake until puffed and browned and a knife inserted in the middle comes out clean...
...if you've kept the pear halves whole...then you can slice it so that each serving has a half of a pear...
...it's so cute that way...
...and so delicious...I think this is my favorite Clafouti yet...


Earth Balance for Butter
Soy Milk for milk
Flax Seed Goo for Eggs

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking


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