Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Vegan Rôti de Porc aux Choux

[Vegan Casserole-roasted Porc with Cabbage]

...Julia simply says that this is a great dish for lovers of cabbage...and I guess I'm qualified by that...

...I was a little bit worried about Julia's somewhat long cooking times...as overcooked cabbage can be a little bit...shall we say...unappetizing...

...but I was pleasantly surprised...
...the recipe calls for a boneless pork roast...so I decided to simply sub a big chunk of tofu...
...which I carved to look like a pork loin roast...
...and marinated it in some salty (very) water...
...then I roasted the loin of tofu for about an hour surrounded with some carrots and onions as in the master recipe...
...then...I turned my attention to the cabbage...Julia has a separate recipe for red cabbage...this one is for white cabbage...
...cut it up and dropped it into boiling water...
...brought rapidly back to the boil and cooked for 2 minutes...
...and quickly rinsed with cold water...
...then arrange the cabbage around the roast tofu...fluff and add salt and pepper...and caraway seeds...which we did not use...none of us like them...too licorice-y...Mom would probably like them though...
...cover and return to the oven...
...Julia says to baste the cabbage several times with the juices...but we sort of did that the other way 'round...and basted the tofu with the cabbage juices...and the next 'degreasing' steps were unnecessary as well...
...and see...I was pleasantly surprised that even with the long cooking time...the cabbage did not turn to mush...
...served as Julia suggested with some boiled potatoes...
...a very yummy supper...kind of the 'stick to your ribs' variety...I'd definitely make this again...


Only the tofu for the roast pork...

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 383-384

1 comment:

  1. that looks great! i agree about the caraway seeds! love, k
