I don't know why the English and French titles are switched for this recipe...
...the yolks were the only tricky part of this recipe...I started with some clear gel...not much...just an 1/8 of a teaspoon...
...and mixed that with a little bit of the yolk part of my Vegan Hard Boiled Eggs recipe...and a little water...
...until I got a semi-solid...semi-jelled 'yolk'...
...First I put a Tablespoon of cream - I used Silk Creamer then I filled a ramekin almost half full of the egg white - also from my Vegan Hard Boiled Eggs......
...then I carefully spooned the 'yolk' onto the top of the 'egg white'...
...poured some melted Earth Balance on top...
...set the ramekin in a shallow pan of boiling water...
...and placed it under the broiler - Julia says for 2 to 10 minutes...
...just season with salt and pepper...I had mine with toast...it was good...
Earth Balance for Butter
Vegan Hard Boiled Eggs for the egg
Silk Creamer for the cream
Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking
pp. 123-124
Looks like the real thing!