Monday, February 15, 2010


First I made a fresh batch of homemade tofu and cut off a couple of slices about 1/2 inch thick - these will be the filets of sole...

...chopped some shallots with my handy chopper...

...I added the shallots, bits of vegan margarine, and white wine - and I sprinkled on a little bit of nori (you know for that 'fishy' taste)...

...bring that almost to a simmer on top of the stove...

...then put it on the lowest rack of the oven and maintain just at a simmer...

...although I thought the texture was just about perfect - next time I'll cook the nori and the wine together first - and then strain that - as the Nori wound up being a little bitter on the final product...

I did find the recipe here...

Earth Balance for butter
Tofu (firm and homemade) for the fish

1 comment:

  1. I think you are so clever to make your own tofu! The dish looked very good. We had rognons aux montagne a la Nero Wolf. It was good, but it was mainly the sauce which is quite delish. I shall make it again and put in some beans.

    Heat 3 tablespoons butter (I used oil) in a pan
    add 2 chopped shallots, 1 sliced garlic and 1 sliced carrot. Soften and let it brown slightly then add 2 tablespoons flour and let it brown more. Pour in 1 cup stock, 1/2 cup red wine, add small piece celery, small bouquet parsley, 1 pinch of thyme and salt and pepper.

    When boiling add what you like. The seiten would be handy dandy - as I said next time I shall use beans.

    I just love Nero Wolfe!

    I like the look of the cucumber. I'm having difficulty trying to track down local gluten flour/powder and I may have to resort to mail order. I am determined to try that fakey beef.
