Tuesday, February 23, 2021


[Vegan Semolina Gnocchi]

...Julia gives this explanation for this dish using semolina...Italian gnocchi made of semolina with butter and seasonings. This French version with pate a choux gives the semolina a puff and a lighter texture. Semolina is farina, which in turn is the residue of middle-sized particles left over from the sifting of durum wheat, the type of wheat used for making macaroni.
...so...initially I thought I'd use the semolina flour we'd gotten for a bread recipe...but she specifically calls for the breakfast cereal...so that's what I used...
...first you'll need to make some VEGAN PÂTE À CHOUX...but just leave it warm in the pan...
...and then cook your farina...
...Julia gives specific instructions for cooking - until the cereal is thick enough to form a mass on the back of the spoon...not quite there yet...
...I think this will do for doneness...
...add some vegan cheese...
...and then beat in the VEGAN PÂTE À CHOUX...
...divide the dough on a floured surface...
...and roll into little logs...
...I went ahead and gave mine the little fork bars...but Julia doesn't specify doing this...
...poach in salted water...
...drain, and sprinkle on some more grated cheese or she says you can use a cheese sauce if you prefer...
...and then brown under the broiler...
...we just served it quite simply with spinach and baked tofu...
...I quite liked it like this...sauceless...
...they were definitely little fluffy pillows...


Earth Balance for the Butter
Almond milk for the water
Ener-G eggs for the eggs

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 183-184

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


[Vegan Vanilla Soufflé]

...I thought it was funny that Julia says that "A fairly quick operator can make any of them ready for the oven in 20 minutes."...I think I'm a fairly quick operator...and it took me more than 20 minutes...haha...but not much more...
...the very first thing you do...is prepare your ramekins...butter the entire inner surface with vegan butter...
...then sprinkle with sugar to coat...
...and then knock out the excess sugar...
...you start the sauce by beating the flour with a little bit of milk in a saucepan...
...until smooth...
...and then you add the rest of the milk and the sugar...
...and then you cook and stir until it thickens...she says it will be quite thick...and you stir it off heat for a couple of minutes to cool slightly...
...then you separate your eggs...haha...for vegan eggs...I put my aqua faba - egg whites in the mixer...
...and my yolks...Vegan Egg...mixed with water in a bowl...and you pour that into the center of the slightly cooled sauce...
...then you beat in the vanilla...
...the aqua faba amazes me every time...
...beat a little bit into the sauce...
...and then fold in the rest...
...bake in the middle of the oven...and when it has begun to puff...sprinkle the top with powdered sugar...
...serve immediately...so it's a really warm dessert...and the texture is like a slightly fluffy pudding...it was good...and once again...a little bit too sweet for my taste...and I should have remembered to reduce the sugar...by about half probably...


Almond milk for the milk...
Vegan Egg for the egg yolk
Aqua Faba for the egg white

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 614-616

Tuesday, February 9, 2021


[Vegan Boiled Beef with Vegan Pork, Vegan Chicken, Vegan Sausage and Vegetables]

...Julia describes this as "a sumptuous family-style boiled dinner which will serve 12 or more, and always makes a great hit with guests"...

...I've been thinking about making this for a while...but was a little bit daunted by all of the Vegan Seitan meats I'd have to make in advance...the Vegan Chicken and Vegan Pork were made for other recipes and frozen...and the only 'commercial' vegan meat I used was the Field Roast Vegan Sausage...

...and for the vegan beef roast for this recipe...I was experimenting a little bit by adding some shredded cabbage to make it be a little bit more 'pullable'...
...so I made a seitan like the one from Tracy's Filet...and rolled it out pretty thin...
...then I steamed some shredded cabbage...this is just to make a little filler that will allow the seitan to separate or 'pull' apart easily...
...and I layered that over the seitan...
...and rolled it up...
...sliced it into rounds...
...and arranged them compactly together on a sheet of aluminum...
...tied it all up...
...and cooked it in broth the normal way for seitan...
...took it out...
...and let it cool a bit...
...and it really does pull apart like I wanted...
...now on to the recipe...
...I put my herb bouquet in my tea ball and stuffed it under the boiling vegan meats...
...added carrots onions and turnips...
...and let that all simmer together...Julia says to tie the vegetables up in cheesecloth...but I did not do that...and she says to simmer for 4 to 5 hours and I didn't do that either...as all of my seitan was already cooked...all I really needed was for everything to simmer together and develop some flavor and cook the vegetables...
...then you arrange the vegan meats on a platter...or Julia says you can serve it directly from the pot..." by spearing out the beef and placing it on a platter. Then he finds a sausage, and after that a big piece of pork. Finally, to wild acclaim, he brings out a chicken"...
...I just arranged all of the vegan meats on a platter...
...and all of the vegetables around that...
...and served it with a jug of slightly thickened cooking sauce for the gravy...but Julia says you can serve up to three different sauces with this...
...it is quite an impressive tray...and it was delicious...


Tracy's Filet for the roast beef
Vegan Chicken
Vegan Pork
Vegan Bouillon for the stock
Field Roast Vegan Sausage for the sausage

Recipe here: Mastering the Art of French Cooking pp. 306-309